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Week 747 // How It Goes

by Mount Everest

00:00 / 02:00
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Notes: We set the clocks forward, and all my colleagues in other parts of the country are talking about their seasonal allergies kicking in, and chit chatting about all the springtime things they are starting to get into. Setting the clocks ahead feels like a moment when the season should accelerate, but I live in Maine. Yesterday I enjoyed a snowy hike with Rebecca and Forest. We have to give it time and enjoy the days we have for what they are. But still, with Forest changing so quickly, I find myself looking ahead to springtime in the backyard, and experiencing it through his eyes. One day at a time we will get there.


I been looking out
My window dreaming
I been been thinking 'bout
The changing of the season
One day at a time is how it goes

I been thinking 'bout
Bare feet in the grass
First steps and all
The moments that pass
One day at a time is how it goes


released March 10, 2025




Mount Everest Maine

I’ve been making up a new song every week since 2010.
Follow me on Instagram [mounteverestmusic] and explore more than 700 songs here.

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